11. mar. 2011

Colors & Junk Sculptures

I got the chance to do the color script for our graduation film, LOAD. It was a dream come true for me, but it's a shame that I had to finish it in such a rush. Working on a "real" production is rough!

Finally got the time to make a new header for the blog. The drawing is made of elements from a set in LOAD. It is suppose to look like sculptures with illogical balance, made from undefinable junk. I had a blast drawing these. If you want a closer look, click here.

7 kommentarer:

  1. beautiful! lovely atmosphere and great colours!

    Well done bro.

    Your work really excites me :)

  2. lovely work you got here :)

  3. Great blog...love your stuff!!!

  4. just found your blog, your work is beautiful!

  5. Insane! That's looking really really good man :)
